About Us

Our ideal customer is a family or individual…
…who is facing difficult decisions in their personal life and who wants to work to resolve those issues as amicably as possible. This does not mean that we will always be successful but, in our experience, bringing that attitude to the negotiating table OR the courtroom yields the best result possible. As we like to say, we do not start fights but we will help you through one if that’s where you find yourself.
We provide representation and advice to clients involved in family law, estate planning and probate matters, and mediation services to couples and families working to avoid litigation in those areas while maintaining control over the important decisions that will shape the rest of their lives.
Where is our focus?
Family Law
Our office is dedicated to finding the least contentious resolution to your family law issues, whether the dispute involves your children, your property or your support needs, and we will work hard to find a solution outside the courtroom that works for your family. In the event that we can’t get to that resolution, we will ably represent you in the courtroom and work to achieve your objectives.
Whenever possible, we advise and encourage our clients to seek a mediated outcome to these sorts of difficult situations and the changes that they require.
Mediation provides the most autonomy and control for the parties in a situation where they often feel out of control,
the process encourages them to remember that they still care about and respect each other even if they don’t agree on every particular of how to move forward, and
mediators give them the tools that help them not to allow the fear that is almost always present to dictate the outcome.
Probate and Estate Planning
Some folks find it difficult to think about what should happen to their belongings and possessions when they are no longer here to enjoy them. Others think that they have so little that it really isn’t worth all the bother of getting their estate plan in order. We would contend that the best gift that you can give your family, as well as yourself, is a clearly written blueprint for what they will need to do when you are no longer with them.
Our team
Sue Buckholz